
The Nature Compact (TNC) is an environmental and natural resources management organization established by Liberian natural resource management, agriculture, development, and environmental professionals with experience cultivated from USAID, WORLD BANK (WB), UNDP, and European Union (EU) Public and Private Sector interventions implemented in Liberia.

TNC is established to provide technical assistance through partnerships to institutions, communities, and natural resource users on Natural Resource Management and Policy Advisory, Biodiversity Conservation, Agroforestry and Climate-Smart Agriculture, Environmental Awareness and education, Climate Change and Payment for Ecosystem Services, Research, and Evaluation



TNC core value is to promote human development through forestry, agricultural, environmental sustainability, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystems services, with a vision of “creating a balance between communities’ sustainable economic growth and natural resource management while utilizing frameworks that measure sustainability through impactful results”.

 TNC utilizes Biodiversity Conservation Planning and Research Monitoring tools as well as Rights-Based Approaches (RBA), Free Prior Informed Consent (F-PIC), Participatory Rural Approaches (PRA)/ Participatory Learning for Action (PLA), and mainstreams Gender and Social Inclusions (GSI) strategies to implement initiatives around biodiversity conservation and monitoring, forest-based enterprises, community resilience and sustainable livelihood systems development, integrated landuse systems designs for buffer zone management between Community Forests and Protected Areas (PAs) and Transboundary Landscapes to reduce Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) and respond to climate change shocks through adaptation and mitigation by applying pragmatic approaches to monitor sustainable livelihood systems to ensure environmental sustainability, forest management, and natural resource governance.


"A Transformation that creates a balance between communities’ sustainable economic growth and development, and natural resource management while building capacity and resilience".


To utilize frameworks that measure sustainability through impactful results.


- Natural Resource Management and Policy Advisory
- Climate Finance and Governance
- Biodiversity Conservation
- Agroforestry and Climate-Smart Agriculture
- Environmental Awareness and Education