National Integrated Water Resources Management Policy.

The Integrated Water Resources Management Policy promotes a new integrated approach to manage the water resources in ways that are sustainable and most beneficial to the people. This approach is based on the continued recognition of the social value of water, while at the same time giving due attention to its economic value. The overall goal is to use the principle of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) and adopt a strategy to achieve the vision of development efficiency and effectively manage a system for the sustainable development of water resources in Liberia: (i) to ensure full socio-economic benefits for present and future generations; (ii) to ensure access to safe and adequate water for people (i.e. domestic water supply); (iii) to ensure the availability of adequate quantity and quality of water for the environment and ecology; (iv) to ensure the availability of sufficient quantity and quality water for food security; (v) to ensure availability of water for other uses (i.e. hydropower generation, industrial use, water transport, recreation and firefighting).

The policy covers two broad areas: a) water resources management (which covers the management framework including policy objectives, principles and strategies for the monitoring, assessment, allocation and protection of the resources); b) water resources use (which covers the policy objectives, principles and strategies for the development and use of water for people - domestic water supply -, water for food security – agriculture -, water for industry and other water uses such as hydropower, recreation, water for maintenance of productive ecosystems.

As mentioned, food security is included among the goals to be attained. Water demands are to be given priority in the following order and shall be based on economic, social and environmental values of the water determinants: 1) drinking water; 2) water for urban and rural sanitation; 3) water for food security; 4) water for other uses (industries, hydropower, firefighting, etc...).

Key priority actions for water for agriculture are set out. In order to achieve the objectives of agricultural water resources management, the Government shall: ensure that water remains a fundamental human right, essential to human life to which every person, rich or poor, man or woman, child or adult is entitled; ensure private sector participation in capacity building, feasibility study, scheme design and construction of irrigation, livestock water supplies and aquaculture development; ensure that water conservation practices on uplands slopes and as well as in lowland crops production are prioritized to preserve and protect the environment for future generation; ensure efficient and proper use of agricultural chemicals to prevent pollution of water bodies; ensure proper land and water resources planning and management; ensure the protection of watersheds and wetlands; ensure that irrigation costs are affordable by poor and vulnerable farmers; ensure full participation of women in irrigation; ensure equity within irrigation systems to support poverty reduction and efficiency through sustainable and equitable cost-sharing mechanisms; enforce the polluter- pay principle; ensure the training and capacity building of the water users association (WUA); and establish the National water and ecological Information Centre.

Mitigation of natural disasters and the effects of climate change is among the goals of the policy. A detailed strategy for response to emergency situations, such as floods and droughts shall be formulated. In the case of droughts such a strategy may involve limiting total allocations or reducing the allocations to selected categories of users during the critical period in consultation with the relevant sectors. In the case of floods that strategy may involve controlled inundations, evacuations, and other emergency measures. Crises such as drought and floods shall be managed and coordinated on an interdepartmental basis because multiple efforts are needed to support affected communities. The Government, through the Disaster Relief Commission, shall disseminate information and data on threatening emergency situations and public safety awareness.