National Bureau of Concessions (NBC) Act of 2010.
An Act to create the National Bureau of Concessions.
This Act establishes the National Bureau of Concessions to strengthen the administration of the concessions process. The Bureau shall be an independent legal entity and its principal purposes of shall be: (a) To monitor and evaluate compliance with concession agreements in collaboration with concession entities; (b) To provide technical assistance to concession entities and other organs of Government involved with the implementation of concessions in compliance with the Public Procurement and Concessions Act (PPCA).
The National Bureau of Concessions shall provide technical assistance to ministries and other agencies, departments, or bureaux of the Government responsible for planning, bidding, negotiating and administering concession agreements.
The Bureau shall develop and maintain a concession agreement database. The Bureau shall be involved in consultation, advice, information-sharing and monitoring and evaluation of concessions. It shall develop a plan for the conduct of on-going evaluation.