National Food Security and Nutrition Strategy.

A cross-sectoral strategy for the Government of Liberia.

The key objectives of the present Food Security and Nutrition Strategy are to make certain that food is available and all Liberians are able to have reliable access to the food they need and are able to utilize it to live active and healthy lives. This implies: 1) That enough food is available at all times in all communities of the country.2) That Liberian households can access this food either directly through their own productive efforts in food crop agriculture; livestock husbandry; hunting, fishing, or the use of other communal resources; or through the market using income earned through sustainable and productive employment. Moreover, if these mechanisms of food access fail, Liberians will be provided access to food through both customary and public safety net programs. 3) Once food is in the household, it can be properly utilized to enhance and maintain the nutritional status of all household members.

Although the strategy encompasses the food security and nutritional needs of all Liberians, it prioritizes the needs of food insecure and nutritionally vulnerable groups in society, including the elderly who have little support, female-headed households, orphans, and HIV-affected households. In addressing the needs of nutritionally vulnerable households and in working to safeguard the food security and good nutritional status of others, two demographic groups are targeted – infants and children under 5 years of age and pregnant and lactating women. Undernutrition, including micronutrient deficiencies, increases the risk of disease and impairs productivity at all stages of life. The priorities for achieving food security and improved nutrition in Liberia are as follows: 1) Enhancing food availability; 2) Improving access to food; 3) Better food utilization and improved nutritional status. 4) Reducing vulnerability, improving resilience. 5) Enabling factors.

Eight goals are indicated as follows: Goal 1: Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger; Goal 2: Ensuring that all children complete a full course of primary education; Goal 3: Promotion of gender equality and empowerment of women; Goal 4; Reduction of child mortality; Goal 5 : Reduction of maternal mortality; Goal 6: Combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; Goal 7: Promotion of environmental sustainability. Particularly in the context of Liberian food systems, safeguarding natural resources is critical to sustainable food security; Goal 8: Promotion of partnership for development. In the national context of Liberia, working towards food security and enhanced nutrition in Liberia shall strengthen partnerships for broader development.